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How a Woman Wants Her Man to Love Her - Poetry — Loving is in the knowing

If I were a thought
I’d wander ever so slowly
Through shadow and sunlight
Tracing the patterns and
Subtleties of your mind

If I were a breeze
I’d slide softly against your cheek
Lifting the tresses on your nape
To imprint my touch
And claim the essence of your being

If I were starlight
I’d fall from the heavens
To shine forever in your eyes
And guard my reflection there
Peering at the world with you

If I were your heartbeat
I’d treasure the rhythm of your soul
Protect the fragile beauty within
Measure the moment when
You allow my love there to grow

If I were eternity itself
I’d keep you forever in my embrace
And count time unceasing
By your smiles so freely given
By your laughter genuinely driven

If I were your man
I’d spend each day in search
To know your mystery and allure
I’d find each portal and door
So that I could love you more


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