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Showing posts with the label General

Learning to See Like an Artist

Developing an Artistic Eye — Seeing is Both Visual and Perceptual “If the artist has outer and inner eyes for nature, nature rewards him by giving him inspiration.” — Wassily Kandinsky I was inspired to create the fiber art shown above from noticing the tiny weed-like flowers that grew between the cracks of my sidewalk’s paver stones. The very delicate plant contrasted deeply with the hard surface that doubled as a complementary background. As a fiber artist, over the years I’ve had to learn how to develop my ability to see ordinary things through an artistic eye. It’s been an ongoing process and one I enjoy immersing myself in often. I’d like to share some of the things I’ve learned with you. The Artist’s Eye Most of us have this to some extent. We use a facet of this ability when we arrange our home decor or mix and match our clothing choices. We use our sense of position, balance, color, shape, and compatibility. My long relationship with fabric has given me an arena to expanded on ...

Romance in a Tea Cup - Reading Serialized Fiction

  As a writer of romantic fiction, one of the most often comments I hear is that people don't have time to read a book. But, the innovative person that I am, I've found a way around that somewhat overused excuse. I'm sharing my stories in small episodes so that everyone can enjoy reading, no matter how busy they are. Think of it as a bit of nostalgia. A throwback to when novels were published in newspapers and magazines in serialized segments, daily or once a week. Now you can have the same reading convenience. Look for my first fiction post of YOU OWE ME soon... I'll be posting 3 or more episodes weekly until we reach THE END! To make it easy for you to find, all episodes will be posted under the category label, SERIAL FICTION - YOU OWE ME. You'll find those labels listed in the right sidebar.

WELCOME to Mixing it Up with Lynda

  Do you like to chat about everything? Do you like to create something from nothing? Do you like listening to others? Do you love life? Do you get excited over new things, people, and places? If those things apply to you, then you are definitely my soulmate. Let's chat, exchange ideas, and inspire. Sometimes, just keeping on keeping on in these troubled times can be an overwhelming prospect. But it's always easier with a companion.  Note on Photo: Like the photo above, life can be beautiful even when it's created by mixing up lots and lots of raggy bits and pieces. I created this piece of wall art from bits of fabric that most people would throw away. So don't be quick to discard what might seem like useless bits of your life. Try sticking them together and see what you come up with...