Everything Minus Love = Nothing Humans crave, dream about, obsess over, search for, and pray for love. Can you think of any meaningful relationships that don’t require some form of love to be successful? I can’t. If love is that important, then it’s reasonable to think that it affects our perspective, attitudes, mental health, spirituality, and happiness. In fact, we’d probably all agree that it belongs under the category of ‘necessity’. Love comes in many forms. We humans most often think in terms of romantic love. While that is undoubtedly one of my favorites, it’s not the ONLY type of love that’s important to our happiness. Along with brotherly love and love of family, there is another form of love that balances all others. It’s a love based on the highest moral principle. What are the characteristics of this higher form of love? When we display this type of love we unselfishly put the needs of others ahead of our own even if those ‘others’ or strangers to us. It is founded on the p...
Broadening horizons in thinking and creative endeavors.