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How to Satisfy Our Biggest Hunger - to be Loved

Everything Minus Love = Nothing Humans crave, dream about, obsess over, search for, and pray for love. Can you think of any meaningful relationships that don’t require some form of love to be successful? I can’t. If love is that important, then it’s reasonable to think that it affects our perspective, attitudes, mental health, spirituality, and happiness. In fact, we’d probably all agree that it belongs under the category of ‘necessity’. Love comes in many forms. We humans most often think in terms of romantic love. While that is undoubtedly one of my favorites, it’s not the ONLY type of love that’s important to our happiness. Along with brotherly love and love of family, there is another form of love that balances all others. It’s a love based on the highest moral principle. What are the characteristics of this higher form of love? When we display this type of love we unselfishly put the needs of others ahead of our own even if those ‘others’ or strangers to us. It is founded on the p...

Time Be Mine - Poem about Aging

Seasons rush by my window Tightly closed and curtains drawn Never to know the yearning I have To reach out and capture time Today I will, “I will,” I say Open my window high and wide And beckon ever so sweetly Perhaps I’ll chance to make it mine

Are You a Door Slammer - What Does it Accomplish

                                                 Purrrrr..."Who asked that stupid question?" I think most of us at some time in our lives have slammed a door out of frustration or anger. I know I'm guilty. It's not something I do now, and I'm not sure why I've done it in the past, except that it was a way to make sure that those around me knew I was upset.  But thinking back on the action, it was really a reaction to my own uncontrolled emotions. And to address the question as to what it accomplished, it would be easier to tell you what it DIDN'T accomplish. It didn't make those around me care more about my feelings. It didn't improve the situation at hand. It didn't make me a better person. It didn't get me what I wanted. It didn't show how mature I was or thought I was. It didn't punish anyone but myself. It didn't make me feel like I had won anything of va...

You Don’t Know What a Purple Hull Pea Is — Poor Thing (Recipe)

Purple Hull, Crowder, Black-Eyed, and Cream peas are coveted items during the southern states’ gardening season. When paired with potato salad with a touch of mustard and garlic and garnished with fresh onion and tomatoes, there is no finer eating. There are as many ways to cook peas as there are southern cooks, but I’m sharing an old family recipe that I hope will inspire you to add a pot of these goodies to your next family dinner. There are no fancy directions, diet analyses, ingredients, etc. This is straight from my kitchen in southern, granny-style simplicity. Presuming your peas are shelled and washed, you’re ready to do the following:  In a large pot, saute´ (2 diced medium) onions, and 2 diced garlic cloves in 2 tablespoons of bacon drippings until onions are somewhat glazed and clear. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add a can of petite-cut tomatoes.  Add peas and cover with water. Add 1–2 tablespoons of molasses depending on the amount of peas you’re cooking. I’d add 1...

Positivity is a Life Builder

  Collage by Lynda

Romance in a Tea Cup - Reading Serialized Fiction

  As a writer of romantic fiction, one of the most often comments I hear is that people don't have time to read a book. But, the innovative person that I am, I've found a way around that somewhat overused excuse. I'm sharing my stories in small episodes so that everyone can enjoy reading, no matter how busy they are. Think of it as a bit of nostalgia. A throwback to when novels were published in newspapers and magazines in serialized segments, daily or once a week. Now you can have the same reading convenience. Look for my first fiction post of YOU OWE ME soon... I'll be posting 3 or more episodes weekly until we reach THE END! To make it easy for you to find, all episodes will be posted under the category label, SERIAL FICTION - YOU OWE ME. You'll find those labels listed in the right sidebar.

How a Woman Wants Her Man to Love Her - Poetry — Loving is in the knowing

If I were a thought I’d wander ever so slowly Through shadow and sunlight Tracing the patterns and Subtleties of your mind If I were a breeze I’d slide softly against your cheek Lifting the tresses on your nape To imprint my touch And claim the essence of your being If I were starlight I’d fall from the heavens To shine forever in your eyes And guard my reflection there Peering at the world with you If I were your heartbeat I’d treasure the rhythm of your soul Protect the fragile beauty within Measure the moment when You allow my love there to grow If I were eternity itself I’d keep you forever in my embrace And count time unceasing By your smiles so freely given By your laughter genuinely driven If I were your man I’d spend each day in search To know your mystery and allure I’d find each portal and door So that I could love you more